Monday, August 16, 2010

A couple pictures.

We left town for one night and this is what happened:

Zucchini grow fast!

I'm getting excited about homegrown onions.....almost there!


  1. It's so weird to watch your garden grow. Some things you have way earlier than me (my onions are much smaller) and then with others I'm way ahead (I actually pulled out my zucchini plant about 3 weeks ago, after a solid month of zucchini overload).

    I like the variety you're growing, what is it?

  2. It's an heirloom variety called Costata Romanesco. We still haven't hit peak zucchini season here, and I have yet for my tomatoes to ripen...

    And I planted those onion seeds as starts on my windowsill back in February! They better be getting big by now!

  3. Oh, but I have been having a hard time with the zucchini actually, I keep getting fruit that doesn't ever plump. It grows to about three or four inches and then the flower dies and it starts to rot on the plant. I've only gotten a few that matured well. I don't know if it's the variety or something I'm doing.

  4. I read that can happen when the fruits aren't pollinated. Do you have many bees? You could try hand pollinating.

  5. Hmm...we do have a lot of bees. Maybe I'll give it a shot anyway.
