Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Picture Update - May!

The last time I did a big picture update was almost two months ago. I have a lot to catch up on! Here we go---

Now that the days are getting longer and the temperatures getting warmer (barely), the growth is taking off! Take a look!

I've thinned a bit of the kale so far and the remaining ones are really getting big. We have had a lot of heavy wind the last few weeks though, and a lot of them are slanted and now growing sideways. Whatever. They're still growing, right? They just aren't quite as pretty and uniform.

The spinach is awesome. I realize now that I did not allot enough space for spinach in the garden this year, and I will give it more room next year. I love spinach because you can use it in just about any style of food; Italian, Indian, Mexican, American, Greek, and on and on. Plus, it's great as a fresh salad, on a sandwich or wilted by itself or in a dish.

Spinach and onions, living happily together.

And, yes, this is ONE spinach plant.

The lettuces are coming in pretty well now. I impulse bought a third lettuce variety at the store the other day, which I'm going to squeeze in somewhere. It's a fast-maturing miniature butterhead. I'm pretty excited about that one.

I have also realized that I've been keeping to my garden calendar a little too closely. Every two weeks I have a note to do the next sowing of lettuce or chard or carrots, but I am trying to listen to the garden a little more than my calendar now, as I realize I'm going to have way too much lettuce all at one time and I should really space it out some more.

The chard is starting to get it's true leaves. Yeah!

The broccoli finally took and it is getting big! It's also been a victim of the wind, however, and they are all kind of growing sideways.

This must a sign that summer is fast approaching, as today was the day to transplant my zucchini starts. I put three in the ground and I may regret this. They tend to grow to gigantic proportions.

The pear tree is starting to grow pears!! Apparently we are going to have red pears instead of green. What a nice surprise!

As for my $3.99 roses; they are on the verge of blooming. You can see some of the rose inside this bud ready to burst forth.

And Lemon in the window.

We had our BBQ last weekend and it went really well. I made buns and veggie patties from scratch and they were good. Although, I'm going to have to work on this hamburger/sausage bun thing. They didn't rise nearly enough, so I had to improvise and pretend I meant to make sliders instead. But, they are pretty darn cute.

Going into the oven.


For my birthday Mike got me garden/rain boots! I've been wanting some, especially when I do my volunteer work at the Food Bank garden. It's a sloshy mess when it rains, which is most of the time, and my pants and meager hiking shoes get pretty covered by the time I'm done. Now I'm set!

Mike also really seems to like worms. This is why he is generally in charge of the worm compost bin. The other night he was outside and discovered the creepy-crawlies doing their thing in full-swing in the garden. He took some pictures. He brought a worm inside on his hand to show me. I screamed like a little girl and ran into the bedroom. Gross.

And, lastly, these pictures are mostly for my mom. I painted my living room! It's espresso brown, and I think it really ties things together. I (mistakenly) painted my kitchen some shade of chartreuse and the deep brown finally makes it look like I did it on purpose (pardon my mess).


  1. Ohhh I like the paint color- nice choice!!

  2. Thanks! Metro Paint, $4 for the gallon!

  3. This book I'm reading suggests to plant lots of greens, and then when they start growing, eat baby greens to thin things out, and then sort of keep eating them in all stages of growing until you end up with just a few heads of lettuce (or whatever) at the desired distance apart, then eat the outside leaves and let them keep producing until they go to seed.

    Just a thought for your spinach overload!

  4. Seriously? We have the same color palette. The brown walls, the lime green kitchen... the black dog cage.
    Garden looks great Liz!

  5. Your garden looks delicious! Also, I love the paint color in your living room! Makes me want to hop to some of our pending home improvement projects. :)

  6. Things are looking SOOOO good! I'm so moving to a warmer climate. I have to wait at least 2 more weeks until I can plant anything outside without danger. But my seedlings are ready! Next year I'm going to make an asparagus bed and work on coldframe kale, chard and spinach... But you're doing awesome! And I love your colors and the living room looks great!

  7. Asparagus bed is my goal too. I can't make myself commit to a certain space yet! Maybe next year I will have a better idea. :) I saw a "free-box" cold frame a few blocks away last week, but I was on my bike and couldn't take it. And then I forgot to go back for it. oops.
