Friday, May 14, 2010

The windows are open.

It is 75 and sunny in Portland today. I was actually flushed and warm from going outside. It's so weird. I got a little gardening done and planted some more carrots, chard and broccoli and made a new addition - beans! I got Dragon Tongue and Empress. The Dragon Tongue are the purple striped ones, which should be fun and delicious. And Empress is a nice, regular green bean, and as my mother can attest, I have always loved green beans.

I snapped a couple photos this week. This is the third year of this strawberry pot and the return is getting better each year. I don't think I even got one strawberry the first year, last year I got maybe a half dozen and change, but this year there are already over a dozen flowers on it!

The peas are flowering now too.

And I grabbed a couple spinach as harvest for dinner tonight. Yum.

And Lemon chased her ball in the backyard. She's a gymnast, that one.

I had said before that we were going to miss Sunday Parkways because we would be at the beach, but we changed our plans. We are going to go ahead and drive back to Portland on Saturday night so we will be able to enjoy the festivities and people watch from our backyard after all. If you are in Portland and are doing the NE Parkways, stop by and say hi! We're on the route at 17th and Highland.


  1. I got the striped beans too! I love how your garden is like a crystal ball into the future of my garden. Can't wait to hear the best ways to cook them.

    I just realized this year that strawberry plants come back! I totally threw mine out last year after it was done. I'm wondering if they survive a -20 degree Chicago winter, or do I have to bring them in?

  2. I don't know about -20 degrees, but mine have been through several freezes and snows and they are doing just fine.

  3. I just got a strawberry plant also! It's such fun to be able to go out and pick your own snack!
