Thursday, May 27, 2010

Inattentive Gardening = Magic!

Oh, I'm a bad gardener. Very, very bad. Well, I'm at least very inattentive when it starts pouring down rain for weeks on end in the middle of May and I just don't want to go outside or do anything really.

Almost two weeks ago I planted some beans. Two days after I planted them it started raining. And hailing. And being windy. And raining some more. And a little more hail. And even some thunder. And being generally colder than normal. I just assumed that they didn't sprout and I had on my list of things to do to sow some more beans to replace the ones that must have died in this crappy weather.

I haven't really spent much time in the garden since then, except to harvest what I needed for meals and pull a stray weed here and there. So, I was getting ready to go out in a break in the weather today and opened up the bedroom window that looks out over the garden and was absolutely shocked when I saw two rows of beans that were sprouted and kinda big! They must have been sprouted for at least two or three days and I just didn't even see it.

Then I walked around to the side yard to take a peak at the peas and see how they were doing – and there were peas on them! They must have been growing for several days to get this big without me noticing. Color me embarrased. That's one more thing to add to Mike's garden to do list while I'm gone; harvest peas.

So, I will be missing the garden for a couple weeks, but it's going to be like magic. Just like it was when I ignored the garden for just a few days and suddenly there were new plants and new food. Now, being gone for two weeks I can't even imagine what the garden will look like when I return.

At least I got to see the first roses blooming. There are oodles more buds that will bloom while I'm gone.

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