Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Texas gardens, Part One.

I'm in my childhood home in Texas this week. It's really hot here and my body didn't have the time to adjust to the season, so I'm just sweating....a lot. Since my mom and I live so far apart I decided to send her some seeds so we could grow the same thing together, albeit 2,000 miles apart. I sent a package of cilantro seeds last month and she planted them last week, just in time for them to sprout the day I got here.

I learned some really interesting things about cilantro when I read this article. Did you know cilantro and coriander are the same thing? I had no idea! Cilantro is one of my favorite things. I think it feels like a little burst of fresh air in your mouth, although others will say it tastes like soap. I recommend you stay away from those people. Cilantro is also the most cost-effective plant you can put in your garden. The space vs. yield vs. market cost of cilantro puts it at the top of the most frugal things you can grow yourself, which makes me doubly happy.

Last year my mom started an herb garden, which I think is lovely. There are three rosemary bushes along the back, two oregano plants, a basil and two mints. The cilantro will be added in this summer. The rosemary has done exceedingly well. Rosemary is an amazing herb. It grows into a giant bush and it's really, really hard to kill. They seem to do well in almost any environment with little care.

Another thing I love about it here is no neighbors. I am pretty self-conscious about my neighbors watching me do things, which probably has something to do with growing up where that was never an issue. I love living in the city and being able to walk places and not have to worry about having a car, but there is something to be said about living in the country where you can go outside in your pajamas to take picture of plants and not have to feel silly (my neighbors in Portland must think I'm crazy, always taking photos of spinach).

Just look at this - the neighbors are trees! There's no one there; breathe a sigh of relief. The only person looking at you right now is a deer.

Oh, and that dog.


  1. That's so cool you're growing the same things as your mom! Looks like your childhood home is awesome... hope you're surviving the heat!
    Have you seen this article? It's about how some people think cilantro tastes like soap and why: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html

  2. I love the idea of growing seeds together. That's so cute!

    PS... cilantro is my caviar... Fresh cilantro - if I have it - goes on EVERYTHING! I hope mine grows well this year. I'm not having much luck so far.
