Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tech + Handmade.

While I was on my trip I finished two knitting projects. These are the first two projects I have ever completed. One was a baby blanket. It took a long time, and halfway through it caused me to almost swear off knitting forever. But I persevered. And then I forgot to take a picture of it before I gave it away. My bad.

I also upgraded my cell phone and I didn't want to just throw my new fancy phone in my bag to make friends with my keys and other scratchy things like I did with my last phone. So, I knitted a cell phone case. It's small, so it only took two days, but it was the first time I had sewn a seam, or a button, or velcro. I'm pretty proud of it. Plus, I didn't spend $25 on a plastic case. I spent $5 on materials for a handmade one.

My mom and I stopped by a Michael's while we were out one day so I could pick up some velcro and a decorative button. Did you know that Michael's doesn't have buttons? Not really. They have some bags of kitschy, novelty buttons, but they don't have a button section. What kind of craft store doesn't have a button section?! It worked out for the best though because my mom said that she thought she had my grandmother's old jar of buttons. And she did.

I remember being a little kid and dumping out the big jar of buttons and playing with them at the dining room table. Organizing them, inspecting them, dumping them into and out of the jar. It's amazing what will entertain a child. I'm very happy now that I get to carry around one of my grandma's buttons all the time. I get to take that memory with me wherever I go.


  1. ohmygoodness... that is so cute.

  2. oh, how i used to love to play with my mom's jar of buttons. it was probably my all-time favorite treat.

  3. I LOVE that your button is one of your Grandma's. I think I used to play with buttons too as a kid. Maybe we were destined to be crafty? Or just easily entertained. :)

    P.S. You need to get a picture of the baby with your blanket!

  4. That's awesome, Liz!
    I remember the button jar!
