Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby Worms! Aw-w-w!

Last December we started a couple projects to make our house more sustainable. We made a worm compost bin so we can make our own soil and a doggy septic tank so we don't fill our garbage with poop and it can biodegrade. I didn't take any pictures of the septic tank, it's just a garbage pail in the ground with a bunch of dog poop in it. And who wants to look at that, really? I did, however, take pictures of baby worms!

Mike is out of town this weekend. He went up to Seattle to ride the Chilly Hilly on Sunday. Good luck, Mike! I love riding a bike, but I'm not such a fan of the hills, personally. Mike has taken over as the keeper of the worms and has taken care of their feeding and bedding and well being. Since he's gone this weekend I got to feed the worms. We have them in storage bins that we converted to a little worm condo. It's in the weird little closet behind our fireplace.

Check it out – baby worms! They're breeding!

Today I had coffee grounds and spinach ends and carrot peels and onion bits for them to eat. I hope they like it.

And here are my little baby broccolis! They all sprouted! Very exciting. Still no sprouts anywhere else though.

1 comment:

  1. Liz! Awesome blog.
    Glad to see your progress. I hope all is well and your garden beds don't get tsunamied out today.
    Keep on truckin'.
