Monday, April 12, 2010

Potato Bread.

It was late Sunday afternoon when I realized we had a lot of leftovers and there was no need for me to cook dinner. We ended up going out and eating on Friday and Saturday and I was starting to feel like I hadn't been in my kitchen in ages. The most I had done in there in almost three days was make coffee. So, I decided to fill my idle time with some bread baking. I cracked open one of my bread books and decided to do something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but haven't ever made: Potato Bread.

Another free box find from a couple months ago finally got used, the food mill or potato ricer. It's the coolest thing ever. I was really excited.

The final product was AMAZING. It's potatoes and bread all wrapped up into one and it's the fluffiest thing I have ever baked. I'm definitely doing this one again. Plus it made the biggest dough I have ever kneaded, so I have a round loaf to save and freeze and a sandwich loaf to eat this week.


  1. Omigosh, that looks amazing! I have a huge bag of potatoes that I don't know what to do with...

  2. I got some potatoes at the Farmer's Market this weekend and thought this would be a good way to use them. I only used one potato (it was BIG though) and it was way too much. So, technically this is Potato Potato Bread. Oh well, it's still good.
