Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I knit!

I had more guests in town last weekend, so I fell off the blog wagon. I'm back now to an uneventful life filled with watching young plants, baking bread and knitting. That's right! Knitting! My best friend since the 3rd grade came out to visit me and she taught me how to knit. It may be a bit of the blind leading the blind as she has only been knitting for a year and she taught herself. But, she made a lovely red scarf for my Birth-mas (We are really bad about giving gifts on time) and it looks like she knows what she is doing to me.

So, I am going to start my first knitting project, which will most likely be a scarf for a six month old child. I'm set to have a niece or nephew born this summer who lives in Colorado, and I figure this should work out well for next winter. My goal in knitting talents is to be able to make myself a cozy, oversized cardigan with big buttons. This make take years, but it's my goal.

While my friend was here we made pizza too. It was the first time I had ever made my own pizza dough before. For some reason it just seemed so hard, even though pizza is an “easy meal”. I'm glad I did it though, because it really was easy, and it's a great way to use up leftover bits of vegetables and onions and scraps of cheese. Pizza is going in the repertoire.

In other news, the radish pasta we made from the first harvest was amazingly delicious. I still have a bunch left over for salads, and think I might try to make radish butter with one of the next harvests. Doesn't that sound amazing? The broccoli starters are still standing. I'm not sure how. We have had crazy amounts of rain the last week or so, even for the Northwest, and the wind has been horrific and it's been really, really cold. I had to break out my dead-of-winter-sweaters again. It was sad. The forecast right now still looks a little sketchy, but I have a faith that Spring will come to Oregon this year. I'm just not sure when.

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