Thursday, September 9, 2010


I took a vow to myself a little while back that I was going to stop buying commercial products across the board when I could. I've taken out most of the commercial made food products from my life. There are, of course, exceptions. I buy pre-made salsa and chips, Trader Joe's boil in the bag Indian Fare, and a few other things, but not really that much – I stopped buying paper towels too and switched to just regular towels. Next I am no longer going to buy commercial cleaning products. As we run out of various things I'm just not going to replace them and I am going to use some combination of vinegar, baking soda and Castile soap.

We ran out of generic surface cleaner for the kitchen counters a while ago. Mike's work has a Kangen water filter, which produces alkaline or acidic water, which is not only supposed to be good for drinking, it's great for cleaning. So, now we fill up a bottle of acidic water and use that. Maybe I'll start adding a couple capfuls of rubbing alcohol to it as well for a little extra cleaning punch.

We ran out of toilet bowl cleaner last week. Yesterday was the first day cleaning the toilet with vinegar and baking soda. It worked! The vinegar helped sterilize a bit (but really, it's a toilet, it's not going to be that sterile) and the baking soda helped to scrub away residual stains. And when the two come together they sizzle, which is kinda fun. Like pop-rocks.

We are running low of laundry detergent too – that's next on the list. There are several recipes online for homemade laundry soap, but I would prefer to not cook soap for a day. That just sounds like a lot of work. I saw a recipe for homemade laundry powder at one point and I am going to try to find it again. Either that or go with simple diluted Castile soap. Done and done.

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