Saturday, July 9, 2011

New Season.

Well, the peas are almost done. The harvests are getting smaller and some of the vines are drying up. The raspberry harvest, on the other hand, has started and it tastes like summer. Salads are still in full swing, but we've added carrots into the mix. Overwintering onions, garlic and shallots are just about ready to pull. We always have fresh roses on the kitchen table. I'm making sun tea today. There are green tomatoes out there. Oh, and I got engaged. We've set a date and I am pretty sure I will have a lettuce bouquet. That's as far as we've made it in the planning. Marching quickly into the next season...


  1. hey, congrats :) i assume that means you'll be getting married in the spring?

  2. Well, the end of June, which is springtime around these parts. It's actually still a pretty risky time of year. There are good odds it will be 45 and drizzling. But there are good odds it will be 70 and sunny. Cross your fingers!

  3. Fingers crossed for you guys and amazing June weather!
