Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ready for the vampire attack.

Yesterday I harvested all the garlic that we put in last fall. I'm still waiting for the shallots to brown a bit more before I pull them up as well.

When I bought the garlic last year the guy at the nursery almost laughed and said I must have a lot of space. I think I bought six heads to plant. I didn't think it was that much....until I started pulling it up and my basket was full before I even got the second patch.

We have so much garlic!! Yay!


  1. OK... so I tried planting garlic last year but nothing happened. Maybe I should go dig in my garden to see if I have any bulbs.

  2. You would know if they were there. My garlic tops were about two feet tall. Probably they just never took in the first place. I don't know about Texas, but we put ours in the ground around October. They like it cooool.
