Tuesday, March 22, 2011

El Cheapo Banana Bread.

No, I didn't find a miracle banana bread recipe that uses less ingredients and costs pennies. I did, however, find a giant bowl of overripe bananas in my workplace lunchroom that were on their way out the door.

I spared six the fate of the landfill and made some banana bread with a free main ingredient. I went with Banana Banana Bread from allrecipes. I've made it a few times and it's good and banana-y.

I woke up an hour early this morning and made it before work. I felt so accomplished before I even left the house. I had already baked bread, done the dishes, put out the compost and watered the seedlings. I wish more days were like that.


  1. Yum... i'll have to try out that recipe.

  2. Oh I was going to bake banana bread today but I didn't have any eggs :( I put the bananas in the freezer so maybe I can try again tomorrow, not sure if that's going to work or not....

  3. Actually freezing and then thawing your bananas is supposed to be better. It takes the moisture level down a bit.

  4. It worked. The bread was good. I was concerned because they were kind of lumpy you know, but it all smoothed out in the baking process. Just thought you'd want an update.
