Sunday, October 10, 2010


It has been almost a year since we moved into this house. Next weekend, in fact, is the anniversary. I can't believe it's been that long already. Since living here we've done a few cosmetic things to the house - we put in the garden out front, we put in the patio out back, we painted an accent wall in the living room, put in a new faucet in the kitchen and painted the kitchen.

Oh, boy, did we paint the kitchen. We started looking at swatches not long after we moved in and we settled on a shade of green. I think it was called "Science Experiment". From the swatch it looked like it would be a bold version of avocado green. Once it was on the walls it was clear that it was closer to green screen green. It's not so bad around the cabinets and stove. There isn't as much wall space there and it serves better as a bright accent. The far wall of the kitchen, however is just giant and green. It's been like this since we painted it back in January or February.

At some point in the early summer we came across a yard sale and bought some accent shelves. We painted the metal part of the shelves black and cleaned them up. Then they sat for several months. Finally, yesterday, in a fit of cleaning we hung up the accent shelf in the kitchen.

Mike and I were astonished when suddenly, this tiny change in decor made our house feel like a home. It visually broke up the giant green wall and made the kitchen seem more cohesive. It's hard to tell from the picture, but the shelf with aprons and scarves hanging on it really softens up the room. So, now, that we have been here for almost a year it's really starting to feel like home.

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