Sunday, February 6, 2011


We are mostly vegetarian in our house. Every once in a while we will buy meat, but very rarely. I am of the general belief that if I'm going to eat it, I should be able to kill it. But that's another story all together. When we do buy meat I try to make the most useful choice and buy a whole chicken. You get more for less money when you buy a whole chicken as compared to just boneless chicken breasts. I bought a chicken a couple weeks ago and we made it last.

The first meal I did a French Chicken in a Pot. It's a chicken recipe I have made a few times over the years. It's super moist and delicious. With the leftovers from that we made a Moroccan Tagine. I made it once last fall and it became an instant classic in our house. It's easily converted to vegetarian as well. Then, with the leftover chicken from that, which was mostly just carcass, neck and bones I made a stock.

I took the last few stalks of some celery that were beginning to wilt and would have been wasted, the last few garden onions from storage that were too small to really be good for much and the last few carrots from the garden that never grew big enough to make any meals anyway. Goodbye, carrots....

I put it all in a pot with the chicken remnants and let it brown over medium heat.

Then I filled my stockpot with water and brought it to a boil. I added some fresh thyme, a bay leaf and some coarsely ground black pepper.

Then it simmered for about four hours.

When it was done I strained it into a big bowl and pushed the juices out of the ingredients. When it cools I'll put it into a few quart sized bags and freeze it for individual soups in the future.

I don't believe in eating meat in the way it is widely available today, but in the event that I do purchase any meat product I am happy that I can at least use it to it's fullest potential and not waste a drop.


  1. If you ever get into pressure canning, you can keep stock that way. My freezer is tiny so I love doing this (though I just make mine out of leftover veggie scraps I save in the freezer until I have enough).

    I love the idea of using all the parts.

  2. I really want to invest in a pressure canner. It would open up so many new opportunities for food storage.
