Monday, December 5, 2011

A Brief Pop-In.

This is my first year to be on a seed catalog mailing list. Well, a digital catalog anyway. There is a great little seed company just down the road from me in Albany, Oregon called Nichols Garden Nursery. You can find them in a lot of the nurseries around town and I have had really good luck with their seed stock so far.

I've been virtually leafing through their wares and marking things on every page that I want to plant next year. The list will need to be pared down, most certainly, but it's fun to dream right now. I'm getting excited thinking about fresh heads of butter lettuce and how next year I'll successfully grow a cabbage. Excited and nervous. My whole family will be here in late June for the wedding. That garden better be spectacular!

In other news, our garden still has carrots. One thing that went well this year was carrots. I pulled up a few for some Minestrone this weekend and there are still several small rows in the garden. I planted a Nantes variety this year and it has done great. Strong and long carrots with a beautiful color. I know now why it is such a mainstream variety. It will be a standard in the garden for years to come.

I found the cable to my point and shoot camera! That means no more crappy cell phone photos! One of these days I'll get around to getting a nice digital SLR, but it's not on the top of my list. I've snapped a few shots around the homestead and I'll get those up soon, along with photos of all my recent knitting. I've been doing a lot of it.

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