Monday, May 16, 2011

While I was away...

While I've been sitting here in my computer cave, disseminating editorial information to a warehouse full of animators, making Quicktimes and burning DVDs, Mike has been busy at home staining and assembling our new table. He just sent me this picture:

I'm not sure what Lemon thinks about it. When we walk down the street and we pass a picnic table she will try to sit under it. She knows that's what she does at picnic tables, but she looks a little wary in this picture. Maybe she thinks since we put a table in her yard that means she is only allowed to sit under the table and can't play with her ball anymore. I'm sure she'll get used to it. I know we will! In 48 hours (when the stain is dry and set) we can start eating dinner out here. The days of garden-fresh summer meals outdoors are fast approaching...

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