Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Everybody's Doing It.

I've noticed as I try to get more involved in the local urban agriculture scene and as I am beginning to see a path of continuing education for myself in this realm that I am being more vocal about my plans and aspirations. By being more vocal I have discovered that I have a lot of friends with similar dreams. When possibly living off grid comes up in conversation it's not something crazy; it's something we have both given serious thought to. When the prospect of leaving the city comes up in conversation I discover my friends already have a small dream set aside in their minds of a half Christmas tree-half pumpkin patch farm.

It makes me happy that my friends don't think I'm crazy. But I have to wonder - is it that I surround myself with people who are of a similar mindset and temperment to myself and that's why we have these similar dreams, or is it that all people have that dream? Is it just human nature to want to live on land free from the constraints of the city? There must be people out there who love the city and would never dream of setting foot on bare dirt....but they certainly aren't in any sphere of people I know.

The more I research this next phase the more I find supporting people and organizations. I found a few university level certification programs for small-scale agriculture and gardening, local government run programs to train urban and small-scale farmers, community run organizations training people hands-on how to run and organize community gardens, job boards specifically geared to sustainable agriculture and food jobs, and organizations set up to pair retiring farmers with young apprentices to take over their land and knowledge. There are a ton of opportunities out there right now.

The whole urban agriculture/young people returning to the land thing is quite the fad. I think. Again, I'm not sure if it's actually a big "movement" or if I just read all the publications that tout it as that, so that's my perception. Either way, the more people who are interested in a different way of life, the more likely that life can become a reality.

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