Friday, December 24, 2010

'Twas the day before Christmas...

Merry Christmas Eve!

I've been so busy the last few weeks with work and preparation for the holidays and other various projects that I haven't had time to sit down and write about any of the things I've been doing! First off I finally finished the arm warmers I started back in September. They are riddled with mistakes, but I told myself I didn't care and that they were practice, so I just kept knitting. And, now when you put them on and look at them from across the room, you can't even tell.

I had a busy weekend last weekend with holiday cookie baking. I made German Honey Cookies, Whipped Shortbread and Peppermint Fudge.

I made some yogurt too, which I have fallen out of the habit of doing. Of course, as soon as I told myself we didn't eat enough yogurt for me to keep making giant batches there was a bout of gastrointestinal distress in our house and we had to go out and actually buy a big carton of yogurt. I had failed. But I found myself last weekend with half a carton of milk on the verge of expiring, so it got me back in the yogurt-making swing of things.

We are going to do the family Christmas celebration tonight and the kitchen has started working! I made my little timeline of oven temps, cook times and prep times to make sure everything is ready to go by 6pm. So far we are on schedule! Bread is rising, beans are simmering...

And in between things I've started my next knitting project. It's going to be a cowl with a big wooden button. I'm knitting on size 19 needles, which, frankly, makes me feel like an elf. They are gigantic! On the plus side it makes knitting go super fast, which is in need after the last 3-month project. Some instant gratification is needed around here.

And, lastly, here's a cat. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I love projects on big needles! They go so fast and I can't tell whether I feel like an elf or a kindergartener with them. :) Can't wait to see the finished product. Merry Christmas!
