Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A little manual labor.

The forecast this week is calling for three days of snow. To that I say, "?!?!?!?!?". Not even in the depths of winter do we get a call for snow for three days in a row; and we are in the end of February! It's supposed to be warming up a bit and seeds are supposed to be going in the ground. Well, I think I'm going to wait a few more days until the freak snow passes before I start planting outside. I am getting anxious though; that's two weeks behind schedule! Stupid Nature. Doesn't it know we've got things to do around here?

This weekend we did get the new raised beds in order, so as soon as the weather is ready, we are ready. Saturday Mike assembled the beds and staked them into the yard. Then on Monday I went and got a truckload full of dirt and shoveled it all myself. Yee-gads, that was a lot of work. My shoulders, arms and abs are crazy sore today.

Mike had to work on Monday, but I had the day off. I rented a truck through Zipcar, which is a pretty cool thing to have around when you don't have a car. Even if I did have a car of my own; I still wouldn't have had any way to get a load of dirt so this worked out great. It took me about an hour and a half of non-stop shoveling and dumping to get the truck bed empty and the garden beds filled. We tore up the grass along the side fence to make a more proper pea bed for this year too, with a lot more space for additional varieties.

The new beds out front are lined up with the living room window so we'll have a nice view of garden veg this summer. Up on the list of things to do this Spring/Summer is to put in a fence around the front yard. I'm pretty eager to do this because then we can start planting along the fence line and grow some taller flowers, veggies (pole beans, corn, etc) and shrubbery, hopefully obscuring the view of the street and our neighbor's cars just a little.

(in the windowsill: flat with onion, leek, cabbage and broccoli sprouts and a small rose we hope comes back)

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