Sunday, January 30, 2011

It Begins!

I don't feel like I've been a very good gardener of late. I hardly ever walk out to the garden, mostly because it doesn't matter. Nothing is growing anyway; it's either dead or stagnant. But here I find myself, suddenly, on a Sunday morning in January, feeling like I did in summer when I was engulfed in gardening to dos. I'm the first one up in the house, I have my coffee, I've already eaten breakfast and now I'm pouring over my seed box and cross-referencing my garden plan to make my list of Spring seeds to buy today. This afternoon is the official start of the 2011 garden. Onion seeds are going in the window*!

Yesterday we went out for brunch and sat outside in light jackets and had sunshine on our faces. It felt and smelled like Spring. It is almost trickster February in Portland. It's always so nice in February, sunny and mild. Then March comes and it rains again until June. It really is an evil month. This whole seeds starting + relatively warm temps + occasional sun is setting me up for some severe Seasonal Affective Disorder come March.

*I had wanted to get a real seed tray with lights going, but suspected I wouldn't get around to it in time. This fall though, I'll be starting my cabbages and broccolis under lights.


  1. It makes me laugh how different our growing season is... :) I thought it was so much warmer when I went out this morning... and it was 23 degrees. Getting ready for spring gardening is what gets you through till summer, isn't it! :)

  2. This just depressed me so much. My garden is under a foot of snow and will be for 8 more weeks.
